Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sweet Wheat, wheat grass juice capsules

I frequently work in New York, which is where a friend, several years ago, introduced me to wheat grass shots in a trendy, neighborhood juice bar. “One shot is like eating two pounds of vegetables,” I was told. I paid about $5 a shot and there was always a line at the counter as people waited for their daily dose of wheat grass juice. At first, I was unsure if I would like the taste. I thought, “I can choke it down because, after all, it’s good for me.” To my surprise, I liked the taste and the slightly sweet, veggie aftertaste. I felt energized and less guilty that I was eating pizza on the road, since I knew I had had a good dose of vitamins and greens.

Each time I worked at that location, I stopped off for a wheat grass shot. As I was not working there regularly, I went in search of wheat grass juice locally. I tried local health food stores, but I soon learned that wheat grass juicers were few and far between outside of major cities.

Then I learned about Sweet Wheat and realized that there was, indeed, a convenient option for people who didn't have a local juice bar. I ordered a sample pack, loved the taste and the results, so I quickly ordered several bottles. For those who do not enjoy the taste as I do, Sweet Wheat makes capsules, so you can either take it in capsule form, or open the capsules and add water to make your own wheat grass shot.

I now have a wheat grass shot every morning and love the way I feel afterwards. For me, it provides an energy boost similar to caffeine, but healthier. If I workout later in the day, I'll have another wheat grass shot just beforehand, because I feel my endurance is greater when I take it.

I’ve mentioned in the past that we at OurFHP like to test out our products before selling them to make sure they live up to the manufacturers' claims. In this case, it worked in the opposite direction. Already a fan of wheat grass juice, I went off in search of a wheat grass product, one that would be worthy of OurFHP, and that’s when I found Sweet Wheat.

I’ve read numerous articles about the abundant benefits of wheat grass juice, well beyond the energy boost. See what Sweet Wheat can do for you!

Sweet Wheat from OurFHP at a good price with free shipping