Saturday, August 8, 2009

Why DairyCare?

The why, starts with a problem for some, but not for all. The probability that you are lactose intolerant varies with your origins, but more on that later.

A lack of the lactase enzyme in the small intestine allows the lactose in dairy products to pass, unmolested, through to the colon. Once in the colon the resident bacteria, using their DNA to adjust their preferred food source to lactose, use the unprocessed lactose, via fermentation, to produce gas and more gas, mainly hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane. The result is lactose intolerance discomfort, the cramp, the bloat, the gas expletive and diarrhea. The resulting pain in the gut culminates in a desire to move in the direction of the rest room.

The enzyme lactase breaks down lactose sugar to a simple sugar, which is able to be absorbed into the blood stream through the small intestine, just as you would want it to be. Normally the bacteria of the lower level, the colon, do not have the option of lactose to eat, but when they do, the result is a bout of lactose intolerance.

DairyCare has two ingredients, lactase, always useful, and live Lactobacillus Acidophilus, which, in the small intestine, produce lactase.

The developer of DairyCare solved two problems in designing this product. The first problem was how to keep the Lactobacillus Acidophilus alive, ready to do their job, and, the second was how to deliver them, unharmed, through the cauldron of the stomach to the tropical regions of the small intestine. The first problem was solved by giving them an environment conducive to sleep, similar to suspended animation. The second problem was solved with a capsule impervious to stomach acid, able to navigate the stomach. So, DairyCare delivers the lactase enzyme and live Lactobacillus Acidophilus to the small intestine.

Let’s return to your origins, Europeans, with exception of the Dutch and some Scandinavians, range from 5 to 20% of the population who are lactose intolerant. The rest of the world, except where the population is of European origin, range from 40% to 100%, with the vast majority at the higher levels.

The choice is yours, a single dose of DairyCare each day or the aggravation of adjusting your diet.

John Oram

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