Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Reading all of the news on Omega 3 will make your head ach

I have a theory.

Omega-3 is something needed in a good diet, so we are told by many experts. These experts are publishing studies at a phenomenal rate. Fish oil reduces depression, fish oil reduces heart attacks, fish oil is linked to longevity and on and on, many each day.

How much omega-3 we need is another matter. The experts do not agree. Which is not surprising as a fundamental requirement of being an expert is not to agree with other experts. Each expert has to stake out his or her own ground. So each expert has an opinion and it is near to but not the same as a number of other experts.

A good diet, or should we say one which satisfies the body’s needs, will result in a healthy body. Provided you do not counter balance the diets good efforts by being overweight, sitting around all day smoking.

So the theory is, omega fatty acids are a requirement of a good diet. A good diet will have various positive effects on your health. The healthier you are, the less likely you will suffer from depression, or a heart attack and you may live longer.

At this point we would like you think of the endangered fish species of the world and take an omega-3 supplement. But the recommendation to eat fatty fish twice a week also works. Or search out the vegetables and other foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids, but that may not be so easy.

John Oram

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